Thursday, March 9, 2017

Excuse me, but Fuck U skinny bitches

I try to be a good person. Compassionate, understanding. Even to those who do not show the same kindness to me. Especially those who don't show the same kindness to me. But then I run across stories like this and I lose my shit. I would apologize, but I figure there are enough phony apologies out there already. I am not sorry and I'm not going to pretend I am.

So here we go again. Someone who isn't a size 0, someone who has fat cells, was at the gym, working out. And of course some gym-rat-she-meat-head-bitch snaps a picture, posts it with a hateful caption, is called on the carpet, and feigns regret. She didn't mean to offend anyone. She's super sorry.

BULL FUCKING SHIT. If you didn't mean to hurt or offend, you wouldn't have done it. So take your apology and shove it unapologetically up your ass.

And here's the thing. I am tired. Not because I'm fat. Because I am tired of this crap. I am tired of skinny bitches pointing and laughing at those of us who, quite honestly, need to be at the gym. People judge us for being overweight, out of shape. People judge us every time we put food in our mouths, even when we're putting carrots or salad into our mouths. The whole world makes life harder for us. Seats (theater seats, airline seats, restaurant booths) are embarrassingly small. Clothes in "plus sizes" are always more expensive. Maybe just a couple of dollars. but more expensive nonetheless. They say it's because of the extra fabric needed. BULL SHIT!! Size 12's are no more expensive than size 2's. But size 20's are more expensive than 12's. So fuck you and your bull shit defense for financially discriminating against us.

And to all those who say you're showing us "tough love"? Fuck you too! You care so much about us that you humiliate us and make us feel like we're less than nothing? Please, I don't need that kind of love. Save it for someone else.

So I am fat. Why do you think that gives you the right to be cruel to me? If you don't like me, that's fine. You can live your life completely separate from me. But for those of you who feel that you are justified in any way whatsoever to shame me, humiliate me, insult me, ridicule me, denigrate me... you are a worthless piece of shit and don't deserve a half a second of my attention. I may be 2 or 3 times your size... but I am 10 times the person you can ever even hope to be.

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