Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Scarier than Donald Trump

When Donald Trump first announced his intention to seek the nomination of the Republican party for the office of the President of the United States, I thought it was a joke. Who could actually take him as a serious candidate? Then, I had to step back and assess the situation. At that time, it was widely believed that Jeb Bush was the front runner for the nomination. There is still a little (although I can't believe HOW little) bit of stink on the Bush name due to George W.'s tenure as POTUS. I dismissed Trump as a distraction to benefit Jeb's campaign. I mean, in comparison to Trump, wouldn't Jeb be the more reasonable choice?

Then, the GOP turned into a straight up circus, with countless clowns tossing their big, red noses into the mix. And although the messages behind both individual and collective are clearly anti-Obama, it's more than that. The GOP as a whole looks and sounds like Hitler's Nazis. From the assertion that America can be “great again” if we slam the doors shut on refugees, and build walls to keep new immigrants out, and deporting immigrants already here (at least the ones we don't imprison); from quietly stripping away voting rights from the poor and the non-Caucasian segments of society to building our military invasion and occupation across the globe. This is a horrifying time.

And although my initial belief that Trump was meant to be a distraction to clear the way for Jeb was apparently wrong, he is a distraction that is quietly clearing the way for Ted Cruz. And this is more frightening than I think anyone realizes. Let's take a look at Ted Cruz:

  • Staunchly anti-abortion. Though not the most extreme of the GOP hopefuls, Cruz at least believes that an abortion could be allowed in the event that the mother's life is at risk. I guess a woman, relegated back into dirty alleys and filthy hotel rooms being scraped out by whatever unsanitary tool is handy, I guess that doesn't equate to putting her life at risk.
  • Despite his assertion that he's “pro-life”, Cruz is a big fan of capital punishment. He was actually quoted in Politico that he “believe(s) the death penalty is a recognition of the preciousness of human life.” Um....
  • In line with his clear appreciation for the sanctity of life, Cruz is, of course, pro-gun and against anything that even sounds like gun control AND he wants to repeal Obamacare, stripping access to health insurance away from millions.

And honestly, that's not even the scariest part. Cruz is the candidate of hate and intolerance. He blames immigrants, minority groups and Muslims for everything he sees as “wrong” in America. Whereas we cannot label all gun owners as a lot of violent murders, yet Cruz has no problem whatsoever labeling all Syrian refugees and Muslims as terrorists. With everything that's going on in the world today, it's understandable that people are afraid. A true leader won't use people's fears against them. He would bring people together, unite us instead of tearing us apart and pitting us against each other. Instead of alienating us from one another, based on differences that in the grand scheme of things don't matter, a true leader will lead with courage.

Ted Cruz is the face of a monster. Be afraid, fellow Americans... be very afraid.

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