Sunday, June 15, 2014

Sorry to say this, but a lot of today's Single Moms are bullshit

NOW, before you crucify me, take a moment, feel all your righteous indignation and get it out of your system, take a deep breath, clear your mind, and read on.

This blog is borne out of watching actor Terry Crews on The View here:

His basic argument is that there are things only a Father (or Father Figure) can give a child. And holy shit, does Jenny McCarthy go off on him. Her reaction was about HER ego, not about the validity of his statement. She was clearly offended at the suggestion that she couldn't be the be-all-end-all for her son Evan.

Take a look at social media at any given time, but especially around Mother's Day and Father's Day, and listen to all the man-bashing that a lot of single moms do. They dog the deadbeat baby daddy for not being around, not taking care of their kids, etc. Watch any episode of Maury and hear how these fatherless babies have to go without ample food and clothes and diapers all because the daddy isn't around and providing financial support. Children grow and sometimes develop into juvenile delinquents and the first thing people talk about is the absence of his or her father in their lives. Men talk about their relationships with dysfunctional women and chalk up the difficulties to her "Daddy issues". All because of an absent father.

So now, when men are becoming more and more aware of the adverse effects that the absence of a father has on the lives of their children, and the conversations are happening in our communities, now we have these single moms saying "Screw you! My children don't need a father"??? Are you serious?

The only innocent victims in parent wars is the child. Not a single child born, under any circumstance, came into being of their own free will. Two adults laid down together and created a child. BOTH parents need to set their own egos aside and do what needs to be done in the best interest of the child. And yes ladies, sometimes that means accepting that you are NOT the center of attention, that a man does not want YOU but wants to be with his child. And you need to get over it.

If you don't think your child needs a father, then stop bitching about being a single mother.

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