Sunday, September 29, 2013

Drunk driving, part 1

I sit here today humbled, thankful, and ashamed. Much of my 20s was spent the same as most other 20-somethings living in Green Bay, WI… out in the bars with my friends, drinking, laughing, having fun. And no, there’s really nothing humbling or shameful there. Yeah, I can say that I wish I had spent more time, energy and effort on my college classes, working, preparing for my future, etc. But to be completely honest, I have some of the GREATEST friends in the world and would not change a thing (almost), because that might mean they would not have the place in my life and in my heart that they do.

Here’s the one thing I would change, if I had the power to… and what I am so ashamed of: I would not have played Russian roulette with my life, my friends’ lives and the lives of all the complete strangers who happened to be on the road at the same times that I was stupidly and selfishly driving drunk.

I am lucky beyond belief that I didn’t wind up arrested for drunk driving or with my car wrapped around a tree or telephone pole. But it is only by the grace of God Himself that I didn’t kill myself or another innocent person because of my incredibly stupid behavior.

I can remember driving home, with one hand covering one eye so that I didn’t see “so many” lines separating the lanes of traffic. I remember wondering how I got on an 8-lane highway because of all the oncoming headlights I could count. (In reality, I was on a 4-lane road… 2 lanes in each direction). I knew every night that I should not be driving, but I was stupid and I did it anyway.

Today, I hardly ever drive. Please… this is NYC. There’s really no reason for me to drive. But when I go home to visit, or go on vacation, I drive. And I still indulge in a delicious adult beverage on occasion, both here at home in NYC or abroad. And yeah… sometimes I overindulge but those occasions are few and far between. But when I am home and meeting up with friends and family… if I’m driving, I’m not drinking. And if I’m drinking, I have a designated driver. I fully recognize that by all rights, I could have easily been killed in a drunk driving accident literally thousands of times. Do the math… out 5-7 nights a week for the better part of a decade. Like I said earlier... only by the grace of God.

What started me down this path today was finding out that my 22-year old nephew lost a good friend last night to a drunk driver. A drunk man driving south in a northbound lane struck the car my nephew’s friend (Kristian Reed, 21 years old) was driving.  Kristian died at the scene. In total, 4 cars were involved in the accident. Just the one fatality. But one is too many.

How easily that could have been me… causing someone else’s death way too soon. Causing injury to other people who had the bad luck to be on the road the same as me; taking a loved one away from his or her family and friends. Ending all the dreams he or she had… and the ones his or her parents had for them.

I think about how lucky I was/am every time I hear about a drunk driving incident. Today’s report just hit home because it affected someone I love.

I do not… cannot… sit in judgment of the man who was driving south in that northbound lane. He will have to live with the knowledge that his actions resulted in one death, multiple injuries and the destruction of countless lives. Instead, my prayers are out for everyone mourning the loss of young Kristian, for the recovery of all injured in the accident, and for strength and courage to the driver.

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