Thursday, August 1, 2013

An Open Letter to Young Women

Oh, young women. I remember. I remember being 18, 21, 25... the decisions I made... the choices I made. Some good, some bad. But they were mine, and I own them, good and bad. And I was the one who had to pay the price, and I was the one who had to deal with the consequences.

But we are in a different time and place now. The world is so different, and changing every minute of every day. The world is so much dangerous than it was when I was a young woman. You must be so much more mindful, careful... courageous!

I see young women on the streets, on the trains, in restaurants and at the movies. These women are girls, really... some as young as 13 and 14. Breasts exposed, skirts so short your butt cheeks are hanging out or  jeans so tight one can see e v e r y t h i n g. And the mouths on these ladies... WOW.

Now, I have a potty mouth, I admit freely. But even I am shocked at some of the things that come out of these ladies' mouths. Explain to me what would possess a 14 or 15 year old girl can tell someone else to "suck my dick". I am aghast.

These young women are flaunting their sexual promiscuity in the world's face, whether we want to know or not. They sleep with these boys (and men) without a second thought, treating their bodies with no respect. I'm not judging. I've been there, I've done that.

So I say to you ladies, please stop. Think. And then think again. You are young and beautiful and worthy of love and respect. Your body and your affection are the greatest gift you can give. Be choosy about who you give them to. Give them to someone who will gift you with love, respect and affection in return. Men will treat you the way you allow them to. And if you treat yourself with love and respect, you will demand that from everyone else invited into your life. You won't be a punching bag, or a booty call, or someone who is called when no one else is around.

Love yourself.

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